IDPro's Mission
IDPro exists to globally foster ethics and excellence in the practice and profession of digital identity.
Our Vision for the Digital Identity Industry
- Digital identities are created, managed, and used professionally and ethically, through secure, privacy-protecting, and reliable practices that produce high value digital services.
- The disciplines of digital identity and access management are globally seen as vital and vibrant counterparts to privacy and information security
- Practitioners in all phases of their careers have access to continuing education and development materials that help them achieve their goals.
Services IDPro Offers
- Monthly newsletter with content on pertinent identity-related issues, written by members for members
- Digital forums for member interactions
- Curated event and meet up calendars
Services in Development
- News clipping service to help members keep up with all of the latest developments in our industry
- A job board
- A comprehensive Body of Knowledge that enables practitioners to learn the discipline of digital identity