About IDPro

Where can an identity and access management practitioner turn for advice? How can organizations grow new identity practitioners? How can the identity and access management industry grow in executive mindshare, market size, and equality? The answer is a professional organization for identity management.

What does such an organization look like? It is an organization whose mission is to be the tide that lifts all boats. A place for professionals to learn how to make their programs and projects more successful. A place for professionals to learn how to grow their own careers. A place for professionals to learn how to work with their peers from security, privacy, and lines of business. An independent voice that extols the value of identity management as a partner and equal to both security and privacy as well as a crucial partner for customer delight with our lines-of-business.

IDPro is that organization.

IDPro is the organization that:

  • helps define, support, and improve the digital identity profession globally
  • facilitates identity practitioners interacting with, learning from, and giving back to their professional community
  • enables identity technology and service providers to interact with identity professionals in thoughtful, respectful, and valuable ways
  • provides a collective voice for the digital identity and access management industry to policy makers

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